shipwreck Shep; bull Shep

So let us explain..

After a few (just a few) too many drinks and a late night of partying; Bull Shep (founder of Chopped Liver) uttered some ridiculousness to his friends citing he was going to make his own dang zine and it was going to be focused on the Indianapolis music scene.

Inspired by shots of whiskey (and some other dope-tastic party favors), Bull uttered some words that would start a three year campaign of zines, show promotions, and nearly 200 podcast episodes:

“I’m going to call the zine exactly what we are.. we are the unheard, we are the over looked, we are chopped liver”.

So on that fateful night somewhere on the south side of Indianapolis an idea was born. An idea that would allow the artists, misfits and people that just “don’t fit in” to have an outlet for their arts and entertainment.

So there you have it. Chopped Liver was born at a party in Indianapolis during the fall of 2014. Don’t tell Bull’s Mom; she’ll be mad she wasn’t invited to the party, Richter.